Meet the newest addition to the Pattie household: Augustus "Gus", named after a great McMurtry character Kman and I love. These photos were taken the day he came home with us at 8 weeks of age. He weighed 16 pounds. Now he is nearly 15 weeks old and weighs just over 30 pounds. Not a purebred black lab, but he is intelligent and a constant ball of energy and devotion. Our backyard may not be the mini-Eden it usually is this spring, but I guess it is a fair trade off. Labs stay "puppy" for the first three years of their lives. Great - a 100+ pound puppy. Gus is my second black lab. Years ago I had Gable, but was not allowed to spoil or cuddle him as he was a "hunting" dog and would be TRAINED for such. A bunch of macho hooey.
Gus is convinced he is Labrador lap dog and I am thinking we should have named him Baby Huey.
Is this a current pet? Childhood pet? He/she is a handsome one...
Congratulations - Pattie and Kman and Gus. May you have a long and loving time together.
You know, I came this close to naming Oliver/Ollie Augustus/Gus and changed my mind for who knows why.
Oh, Pattie, he's a cutie! There's nothing quite like puppy kisses, eh?
I am more a cat person than a dog one, but I do home that someday Paul and I will have a dog in our lives again.
Congratulations to the new addition to your family!
Have fun with the new cutie.
oh he is wonderful! we have a 9 month old english cocker spaniel who is still an incredible baby... and chewing everything these days... mostly she is a joy...sometimes she is trouble! good luck with training...
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