Who Is Cowtown Pattie?

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I was Lillie Langtry in another life, and might have a crush on Calamity Jane.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Oh, Fluey! It's Pneumonia!

Last week I was fortunate enough to reel in a nice batch of germs that decided to camp out for a while in my lungs. Nasty little buggers, too. Started with your basic influenza, then morphed quite nicely into pneumonia. Feeling a lot better, but guess I might keep the first draft of my obituary just in case.

I know there is nothing more boring than a stale blog, but its hard to humorous,much less coherent if you feel like warmed over dog dookie.

I'll be back!


Kimberly said...

I'm so sorry that you're feeling like warmed over anything, Pattie. I can only assume the effect that said state had on any celebratory plans you and K-man might've had for Valentine's Day.

Hope you're feeling all better soon!

Anonymous said...

T-bone here ...

Shouldn't that analogy be "like warmed-over COW dukie"? I know when I'm sick I feel like something they scrape off the streets in the Stockyards. Feel better!

millie garfield said...

Glad that you are back in the saddle again.

Missed your posts. Hope you feel like your old self soon.


millie garfield said...

This is the second time that I am trying to leave you a message. I do not know whether it is me or your comments are sick too.

Just want to say that I hope you are back in the saddle soon.

Feel better!


Anonymous said...

Not being a Texan, I don't know the finer distinctions between dog and cow dukie, but I wish you a speedy recovery from those nasty bugs.

DarkoV said...

While you're laid low, I hope you've had a chance to check out the latest release from one of your Texas troubadors that you'd mentioned in an earlier entry, Ray Wylie Hubbard. It's called "Delirium Tremolos". James McMurtry joins him in a rendition of McMurtry's "Choctow Bingo". Good for what ails you! Hope to read you shortly.