Who Is Cowtown Pattie?

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I was Lillie Langtry in another life, and might have a crush on Calamity Jane.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

The Future As It Was Supposed To Be!

My normal writing voice must be hiding somewhere in the spanish moss windmills of my mind. Can't find my groove, so to at least acknowledge that there might be something Goin' On here at Texas Trifles, I have only this to share this evening:

My friend, Bill, over at Nothing But Love speaks often of flying cars, ala Jetsonville. While surfing totally without a clue as to what I wanted to write about this evening, I find this little jewel.

You might have to be somewhere near Pattie's age to appreciate the music of Todd Rundgren (did you know he was the stepfather of Liv Tyler?). Anyone remember the Ankh guitar?

(from the CD, "Liars")
I remember the world of tomorrow
I remember the world of tomorrow

I'm supposed to drive a flying car
I'm supposed to have a house on Mars
I'm supposed to live 200 years
I'm supposed to live, I'm supposed to live in

The future is now

I remember the world of tomorrow
I remember the world of tomorrow

Where's the office buildings 2 miles high?
And the ocean liners 12 blocks wide?
Where's the supertrain that's solar powered?
Average speed 600 miles and hour?
I'm supposed to get my eyesight back
I'm supposed to gain all things I lack
I'm supposed to live devoid of fears
I'm supposed to live, I'm supposed to live in

The future is now

Where's the better world that was declared
At the 1964 World's Fair?
Where's the only orb that's got a plan?
It's at Epcot Center Disneyland
We're supposed to all drive flying cars
We're supposed to all have homes on Mars
We're supposed to live 200 years
We're supposed to live, I'm supposed to live in

The future is now

I was going to add a wav file here, but I lost the instructions that Mick sent me. Mick writes some good stuff, kiddie troupers. Check out his place.

I have been in a funk this week, and not in the mood to whine about crap that is beyond my control. Readers, hang with me a bit while I whittle on this block.


Elisson said...

OK, no more funk for you!

I'm not only old enough to remember Todd Rundgren, I still remember when he was with the Nazz. But my favorite Rundgren album was called "The Ballad of Todd Rundgren." Vintage 1971 or '72, thereabouts. Almost every song a jewel.

Editor said...

Of course I remember Todd, although he has one too many D's in his name. I used to play "Something Anything" all the time.

Liv Tyler actually thought that Todd was her father, until she was about nine when her mother, Bebe Buell, told her that Steven Tyler was actually her dad.

Mick said...

Big Rundgren fan. You know he played almost all the instruments on most tracks from the Something/Anything dbl album. Truly a magnificent musician!

Thanks for the mention and the link, Pattie!!!