Several of my daughters are quite enamoured of the "Twilight" books and movies, and it has become a silly point of pride with myself that I have not succumbed to the scintillating charms of Edward Cullen or Jacob Black. Be it a generational gap or the beguiling but baby-faced beauty of said hunky heroes, I just don't get the rapid heartbeat or that special thigh tingle reportedly experienced when in the throes of a "Twilight" fix.
Not that I am a virgin to that delightful hormonal high...
Women of my age (good gawd that is an annoying phrase) can certainly relate; our youthful fantasies were fed with the same worship for skinny smooth-faced Romeo's:

But, the one constant flame for women of almost any age to ignite an inner sizzle from is this Magic Man:

Edward Cullen, I'm sorry, but comparing you to Elvis is like choosing between a Bic lighter and a flame-thrower. Elvis was blessed with testosterone-infused smooth southern gentleman charm that romance-starved women, young and old, first experienced with Rhett Butler. But even Rhett NEVER had lips and hips like Elvis....no sir-ree.
I asked one daughter to list the charms of Edward Cullen for me and I would compare those to of Magic Man Elvis:
- gentleman
- sing you to sleep
- loyal
- mysterious
- moves fast
- tender
- romantic
Edward Cullen
Can any breathing female deny Elvis had all that in spades? And let's not forget, unlike Edward Cullen or Rhett Butler, Elvis was REAL, and not a literary character to whom an author can give super powers of seduction or physical prowess.
Elvis IS the King forever more; Edward, you simply suck.
Leonard Whiting! Talk about a blast from the past. My late wife was a Paul girl all the way.
Mom, it's the books!! You need to just read them!! Don't hate on my man!!! Lol I do love Elvis but rob is my main crush lol
Elvis' looks and music never stirred my hormones. Many other male singer, performers from older to current generations do, but not him.
The thing with Elvis is that he aged so poorly, turning into a grossly bloated parody of himself before dying at a young age.
The thing with Elvis is that he aged so poorly, turning into a grossly bloated parody of himself before dying at a young age.
Joared...no? Well, I was in LOVE with the E since I was a kid.
Peter: I suppose you're right, but you have to admit when the man was good, he was great!
Young Elvis, the best! Funny thing, I never went for the baby faced teen idols but I do like young Elvis. Go figure.
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