Do mothers and children have a certain kind of psychic bond? Does this connection extend beyond the toddler years?
I have no definitive answer, although I will say that on more than one occasion I have felt a special intuitiveness regarding family members and close friends. Some are the old vanilla standard sort of deja vu and others are more dream related. I can't command this power, it comes unbidden and unannounced. Partly why I think "official" psychics are frauds. Too bad this talent is so fickle, I might have taken the road less traveled (as opposed to the nicely paved highway to Hell that I appear to have preferred over the years past).
And forget about relying on that Tyco Magic Eight Ball - the little floating triangle always came up with "Better not tell you now", or "Reply hazy - try again" whenever I relied on it for infallible answers to life's thorny questions, like "Is Marvin going to ask me to go steady?" The Ouija Board was worse, the stupid plastic triangle thingy jerking around the board like it was at a junior high dance listening to old Eric Burdon tunes. Maybe my board genie flunked Psychic Spelling Class.
(What's with triangles in this post? Is it a secret message from the other side?)
My oldest daughter and I both work downtown Cowtown in twin glass towers. We go to lunch on occasion, and our bosses are friends, so we have lots of visiting opportunities. It isn't all that unusual to pass her in a corridor, or in the small sandwich shop in the first tower even though we work in separate buildings. Our offices close at different times, so I seldom catch her on the way to the parking garage.
Today, everyone had vacated our offices early and I decided to get a head start on the weekend, especially since I had to drop off some documents at my boss's house on my route west to home.
The mail drop in my building is just around a corridor corner and beyond it is the skywalk over to the other tower. The building mezzanine floors are a lovely pink granite stone that carries the sound of footsteps well, especially hard-soled shoes.
I was at the postal box, dropping in the day's outgoing mail when I could hear someone walking towards the mailbox area. The wall has a jutting corner, making it impossible to see around if standing at the dropbox. For some reason, I hesitated, waiting just a few seconds to see who was about to round the corner. The footsteps had immediately brought to mind my older daughter. I remember thinking, "Those pitterpatters sound like E-dogg".
Just as the mysterious person came into view, I could also hear a voice. I knew positively now it was my daughter.
When I related my brief intuitive experience, the coworker walking with E-dogg looked less than uber impressed and said something about mothers having more than just eyes in the backs of their heads.
Well sure, we also have invisible antennas attached to our ears, didn't you know?
Oh, and you'd better consult your local voodoo priestess, the all-knowing seer with the purple and gold triangles dangling from her turban, if you had a suspicion this was me blogging...
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