Those of us who live in the Southeast know that kudzu's transmogrification of the landscape is both beautiful and terrible. Its lush greenery hides the landscape that it has swallowed up and destroyed; in the winter, its bare tangled vines tell a more obvious tale of its horrible power. These photos elicit the kind of fascination that the rabbit has for the cobra.
Wow!!! These are glorious!!!!!
Kay - the folks who actually have to live with kudzu might think otherwise, but I was fascinated!
Beautimus! Lots of green so must be plenty of moisture. Fascinating! Yeah, some growth can really take over.
All I could think was what beautiful photos of such awful destruction of the native environment. Schizzo, aren't we?
Cop Car
Those of us who live in the Southeast know that kudzu's transmogrification of the landscape is both beautiful and terrible. Its lush greenery hides the landscape that it has swallowed up and destroyed; in the winter, its bare tangled vines tell a more obvious tale of its horrible power. These photos elicit the kind of fascination that the rabbit has for the cobra.
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. This "schizzo" as CC called it keeps growing since your photos.
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