Who Is Cowtown Pattie?

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I was Lillie Langtry in another life, and might have a crush on Calamity Jane.

Monday, May 01, 2006

The Round-up

Been very remiss in reading some of the terrific blogs listed on my sidebar and elsewhere. 'Bout time I put on my best bonnet, baked up some goodies and went a'visitin':

The Celestial Monochord has a most excellent post about space exploration and musical genius. Do take the time to read this nice piece.

Pancho begs the question: does mango salsa make the apeman, or the football jock?

My favorite Bleakest Mouse has produced another indie film contender. Rumor has it that an eccentric billionaire in California is still alive and bankrolling such interesting talent.

Sir Elisson dons his Chaucer cap and pens an epic tale of bloggy debauchery at the recent Blown-Star blogfest in Austin, Texas.

Captain Guy spins a charming fishy yarn.

Everything's coming up irises over at Cop Car's beat!

And if I thought my book list couldn't allow for another entry, color me wrong. From Eric at the Fireant Gazette comes a review that demands I find room for just one more title.

Mary Lee elucidates her Easter morning reveries and advenures in another wonderful story of her life in the beautiful state of Maine.

Stop by and sit a spell with any of these fine folk and give 'em a big "Howdy!"

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