Dad and Granddaddy Hicks ca 1932
I love this photo of my Dad. I have no idea what is in the distance out of the camera's eye where the little boy and his grandfather are pointing to, but I do know the photo was taken in Santa Anna, Texas in front of Granddaddy Hicks' hamburger joint. Joe Hicks was my dad's great grandfather. Of course, I never knew Granddaddy Hicks, but part of the family lore said he made a mean burger and he was once a deputy in Brown County. And he most assuredly kicked a son-in-law out of the family who was said to be a "ne'er do well".
Below is the same locale some 75 years later. The awning is gone, as is the hitchin' post, but the old building remains in forgotten disrepair. I don't know who owns it now, but I would love to have the funds to buy it and fix it back up, maybe open a coffee/bookstore. Don't think I want to be another short-order cook, however.
This photo is of my maternal grandfather, Willis, in his younger years (thank you, Cousin Tim!). I have no information regarding the motorcycle, but I suspect it belonged to my great uncle Ace, Willis' youngest brother. In the background, you can see the face of my great grandfather, Joe Gus. I wonder what was going through his mind, watching this odd machine and his son riding it. Had to been taken on one of the many farms Joe Gus sharecropped on. My family lived so luxuriously *grin*.
This last photo was taken shortly after Christmas, 1954. Dad must have just gotten off duty, and judging from bedtime attire, it appears I have been awakened from my crib to play a bit with him. It is odd to look at this photo - my dad is long gone, but I still have that old panda bear up in my closet.
Happy Father's Day to all the Dads in my life wherever you are; may you be enjoying a homemade burger, riding a motorcycle, or maybe drowning worms somewhere on the Colorado River banks.
All my love, gentlemen.
What a fine father, grandfather, great grandfather tribute, Pattie. Some colorful folks in your family - like you...
Funny, I keep running into people who are from Santa Anna, even though it has only a thousand people. None of them seem to be related or have heard of any of the others though.
We had a great Father's Day here in Atlanta today. All of us with(son DIL Daughter and SIL) the 4 grandchildren around the townhouse community pool And we had it all to ourselves.
Then back to our house and Bar B Que from the "Pig and Chick" and brunswick stew, slaw,mesquite chicken wings, corn on cob, apple pie and icecream. I feel like Grandpa Jones on Hee Haw just relating that dinner.
My husband, the grandfather, relaxed and watched the US Open Golf after supper
A fine day.
Congratulations on your mention in Ronnie's article in the WSJ.
Thanks, Chancy. You did have a Grandpaw Jones supper!
Bill - Don't you just love the little town of Santa Anna. It has so many memories for me.
Ronni - Colorful, yep, that's us all right! (Oh the tales I leave out!)
The background man in the picture with Willis on the motorcycle is Jonce Adams, husband of Jessie Bartlett Adams, not Joe Gus Bartlett, her father. Wanelle Adams, my mother, has confirmed this for me as I was fairly certain it was Daddy Jonce and not Grandpa Bartlett.
Jeri Lowe-Howell
You think so? Maybe it was Uncle Jonce. Grandad Bartlett was also very slim and long faced, as well, but perhaps Wanelle would know for sure.
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